Buteyko Breathing Courses in Adelaide

Chief Executive Officer of the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health Paul O’Connell periodically conducts free seminars with courses following in Adelaide.

To learn more about how Buteyko Breathing can help improve your quality of life download our enrollment form and get in touch with us today


What is dysfunctional breathing?

Many people suffer from a number of breathing related health issues including sleep apnoea, snoring, asthma, nasal problems such as blocked or runny noses, and sinusitis. Often the only approach made available to help alleviate these symptoms is a lifetime of medication, machines and devices.


Dysfunctional breathing is a difficult thing to know you have. Breathing is a natural action and, we can assume that we have been doing it correctly for our whole lives. However a study in the British Medical Journal of May 2001 states “If dysfunctional breathing is as common as our data show, facilities for breathing retraining need to be available as part of the overall management of asthmatic patients”.


The Buteyko Breathing Method is just that. A practiced retraining of the way you breathe to help assist in lessening of symptoms from a number of breathing related issues. A 2014 study by Lina et al, states “The use of Buteyko Method within 3-4 weeks as an adjunct to conventional management of asthma helps in improving asthma control and quality of life…”.


Paul O’Connell, a leading practitioner of the Buteyko Method and Chief Executive Officer of the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health makes regular visits to Adelaide to retrain the breathing of people who suffer from various symptoms as well as offering practitioner training to those who wish to teach Buteyko to others.



Available one on one online by appointment